Privacy Policy
The online shop is operated by Bubble Labs d.o.o., Stranska vas 43d, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as "BubbleBite"; also derivatives of "we").
The controller of your personal data, i.e. the online shop, accepts this privacy policy, which explains in detail how we use the personal data you provide to us when you use the online shop and when you order products.
What is personal data?
Personal data is information that directly or indirectly identifies you as an individual, where "indirectly" means in combination with other information, such as your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, location data or other identifiers.
What personal data do we collect?
If you are only a visitor to the BubbleBite online shop, we only collect information about you using cookies.
If you contact us using the form on our website, we will obtain your name, telephone number and/or email address so that we can respond to your question or enquiry.
If you are a customer of products we offer in our online shop, we will also collect other personal information about you that we need to invoice you and send you the products you have ordered. This personal data includes:
- first and last name,
- address (street and house number, postcode and town),
- contact email address,
- contact phone.
How do we use (process) your personal data?
All personal data provided is treated confidentially and is used only for the purpose for which it was provided. BubbleBite takes all necessary measures to ensure that your data is protected through appropriate organisational measures, work procedures and technological solutions, as well as by using its own and external experts. In doing so, BubbleBite uses an appropriate level of protection and reasonable physical, electronic and administrative measures to safeguard the collected data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or unauthorised access to, personal data that has been transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. Access to your personal data is only permitted to staff, service providers who need the data for business reasons or those who need the data to perform their work.
If you have ordered a product offered in the BubbleBite online shop, personal data is collected and processed for the purpose of concluding and executing the purchase contract, invoicing and delivering the product.
In accordance with our legitimate business interest as a shop, when you confirm your order for a product, we will sign you up to our newsletter to inform you about similar products on offer. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at the beginning of the newsletter by clicking on the link provided with the e-mail report of the order dispatched or on the link provided in each newsletter message sent.
BubbleBite undertakes not to sell, lend or otherwise disclose to third parties the information you provide through the online shop or by any other means, except in the cases set out below and unless otherwise prohibited by law.
BubbleBite will only disclose your personal data to the specified third parties under the conditions set out below, and BubbleBite will ensure that your personal data is processed, protected and transferred in accordance with the applicable regulations:
External service providers (delivery services and others)
Where necessary, we will commission other companies and individuals to carry out specific work that contributes to our services. For example, we may provide personal information to contractors to host our database and applications, to provide data processing services or to send you information you have requested, to provide support services, etc. We will only provide or make available such information to external service providers to the extent required for the specific purpose. They will not be allowed to use this information for any other purpose. BubbleBite's external service providers are contractually bound to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.
Business transfers
In connection with any reorganisation, reorganisation, sale or other transfer of assets (collectively, "Business Transfers"), we will transfer your personal data to the extent and as reasonably necessary for the Business Transfer, provided that the receiving party undertakes to respect your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We will continue to ensure the confidentiality of all personal information and will notify affected users before personal information becomes subject to another privacy policy.
Public authorities
We will only disclose your personal data to public authorities where required to do so by national or European Union law. For example, BubbleBite will respond to requests from courts, law enforcement authorities and other public authorities, which may include public authorities of another EU Member State.
Legitimate interest
On the basis of legitimate interest, we use your personal data for the detection and prevention of fraudulent use and misuse of the services or subscriptions to them, and, in the context of ensuring the stable operation of our systems and services, for the purposes of implementing information security measures, complying with quality of service requirements, and detecting technical malfunctions of our systems and services.
On the basis of legitimate interest, we also use your personal data for the purposes of possible enforcement, judicial and extrajudicial recovery.
Your rights in relation to your personal data
Posamezniki lahko od BubbleBite zahtevate dostop do osebnih podatkov, popravek, izbris ali omejitev obdelave vaših osebnih podatkov, imate pravici do ugovora obdelavi in prenosljivosti vaših osebnih podatkov.
Pravica do seznanitve: vedno imate pravico do seznanitve ali se v zvezi z vami obdelujejo osebni podatki in če se, dostop do osebnih podatkov in naslednje informacije: (a) namene obdelave; (b) vrste zadevnih osebnih podatkov; (c) uporabnike ali kategorije uporabnika, ki so jim bili ali jim bodo razkriti osebni podatki; (d) predvideno obdobje hrambe osebnih podatkov ali, če to ni mogoče, merila, ki se uporabijo za določitev tega obdobja; (e) kadar osebni podatki niso zbrani od vas vse razpoložljive informacije v zvezi z njihovim virom.
Pravica do popravka: imate pravico, da popravimo netočne osebne podatke v zvezi z vami ter ob upoštevanju namenov obdelave, pravico do dopolnitve nepopolnih osebnih podatkov.
Pravica do izbrisa: pravico imate doseči, da vaše osebne podatke izbrišemo, kadar obstaja eden od naslednjih razlogov: (a) osebni podatki niso več potrebni v namene, za katere so bili zbrani ali kako drugače obdelani; (b) kadar prekličete privolitev, na podlagi katere poteka obdelava in kadar za obdelavo ne obstaja nobena druga pravna podlaga; (c) kadar obdelavi ugovarjate, za njihovo obdelavo pa ne obstajajo nobeni prevladujoči zakoniti razlogi; (d) osebni podatki so bili obdelani nezakonito.
Pravica do omejitve obdelave: pravico imate doseči, da omejimo obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov, v enem od naslednjih primerov: (a) kadar oporekate točnosti podatkov, in sicer za obdobje, ki nam omogoča preveriti točnost osebnih podatkov; (b) je obdelava nezakonita, vi pa nasprotuje izbrisu osebnih podatkov ter namesto tega zahteva omejitev njihove uporabe; (c) vaših osebnih podatkov ne potrebujemo več za namene obdelave, temveč jih vi potrebujete za uveljavljanje, izvajanje ali obrambo pravnih zahtevkov; (d) če ste vložili ugovor v zvezi z obdelavo, ki temelji na zakonitih interesih BubbleBite, dokler se ne preveri, ali naši zakoniti razlogi prevladajo nad vašimi razlogi.
Kadar je bila obdelava vaših osebnih podatkov omejena v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom, se taki osebni podatki z izjemo njihovega shranjevanja obdelujejo le z vašo privolitvijo, ali za uveljavljanje, izvajanje ali obrambo pravnih zahtevkov ali zaradi varstva pravic druge fizične ali pravne osebe.
Pred preklicem omejitve obdelave vaših osebnih podatkov smo vas o tem dolžni obvestiti.
Pravica do prenosljivosti podatkov: pravico imate, da prejmete vaše osebne podatke, ki ste nam jih posredovali, v strukturirani, splošno uporabljani in strojno berljivi obliki, in pravico, da te podatke posredujete drugemu upravljavcu, kadar obdelava temelji na vaši privolitvi ali se obdelava izvaja z avtomatiziranimi sredstvi. Na vašo zahtevo, kadar je to tehnično izvedljivo, se lahko osebni podatki neposredno prenesejo k drugemu upravljavcu.
Pravica do ugovora: kadar vaše podatke obdelujemo na podlagi zakonitega interesa za namene trženja, lahko taki obdelavi kadarkoli ugovarjate.
Pravica do vložitve pritožbe pri Informacijskem pooblaščencu: če o vaši zahtevi ne odločimo v zakonskem roku ali vašo zahtevo zavrnemo, imate možnost vložitve pritožbe pri Informacijskem pooblaščencu.
Dostop in popravek vaših osebnih podatkov ter uveljavljanje drugih pravic
Kot uporabnik spletne trgovine BubbleBite oz. kupec izdelkov BubbleBite imate pravico da preverite ali BubbleBite obdeluje osebne podatke o vas in do dostopa o osebnih podatkih, ki jih o vas hranimo oz. obdelujemo (v tem primeru vam jih bomo posredovali v obliki PDF dokumenta, ki je strojno berljiv). Vedno lahko zahtevate, da se netočni osebni podatki o vas popravijo. V kolikor menite, da ne obstaja več upravičen razlog za nadaljnjo uporabo oz. obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov nam to sporočite, vendar določenih osebnih podatkov, ki jih zbiramo na podlagi Zakona o davku na dodano vrednost ne smemo zbrisati. Imate tudi pravico, da omejite uporabo vaših osebnih podatkov v primerih, ko oporekate točnosti osebnih podatkov, ko ocenite, da je obdelava nezakonita, vendar ne želite izbrisa in ko osebni podatki niso več potrebni za namen obdelave, potrebujete pa jih za uveljavitev pravnih zahtevkov. V primeru naročila na e-novice imate pravico svoje soglasje umakniti ter zahtevati prenehanje obdelave svojih osebnih podatkov.
Za morebitno uveljavljanje svojih opisanih pravic, vas prosimo, da nam svojo zahtevo posredujete pisno, preko elektronske pošte na naslov [email protected]. O vaši zahtevi vam bo odgovorna oseba za področje varstva osebnih podatkov odgovorila v predpisanem roku 1 meseca. V primeru zapletenosti in večjega števila zahtev lahko rok podaljšamo za največ dva dodatna meseca, o čemer boste obveščeni.
Bubble Labs d.o.o. keeps the personal data received from you until you unsubscribe from the newsletter (withdrawal of consent).
Bubble Labs d.o.o. keeps the data related to the contact form for one month after the end of the communication. After that time, we delete them, unless otherwise provided by law.
Based on the provisions of the tax regulations, Bubble Labs Ltd. is obliged to keep invoices containing personal data of purchasers of BubbleBite products for 10 years after the invoice date.
Bubble Labs Ltd. is obliged to keep invoices containing personal data of purchasers of BubbleBite products for 10 years after the invoice date.Ltd. will also not delete for 5 years those data that it needs to provide proof that it has deleted a person's data (the so-called audit trail) and to keep records of persons who do not want to be contacted by Bubble Labs Ltd. in the future.
Bubble Labs d.o.o. uses "cookies" on this website - these are small files that are placed on your computer when you visit the site. Cookies can make it easier for you to visit the site again. You can choose whether to accept or reject cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser.
If you do not accept cookies, some pages may not be displayed correctly or you may not be able to access all the information or functionality of the website, but accepting cookies is not a condition of using the BubbleBite website.
Change of privacy policy
Bubble Labs Ltd reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change its Privacy Policy and to update and revise this Privacy Policy at any time. You are therefore advised to review this Privacy Policy regularly.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the information we hold about you, please email us at [email protected].